Two Great Reviews for Childhood Nightmares

So, you know, that’s cool and stuff.  One review is posted on Amazon, as well as Knightmist’s blog.   The author says there are “stories that will drive even some adults to pull up their covers.”  🙂  I like that.

A Hidden Stone

by Kim Krodel

The other is on  My story “Baby Teeth” even got a shout out!  I tried to reblog, but it must be that time of the month for WordPress.  That, or I need to hold a gun to my computer’s head (or increase my memory).  Maybe both…



All the News that’s Fit to Blog + Zombies

First of all, I want to let everyone know that 100 Horrors: Horror in the Blink of an Eye is now available in good old-fashioned dead trees.  I just ordered my copy (and of course a copy for my parents–ever the thoughtful daughter, I know).  You can find it right here:

And the e-version is still available on Amazon

(<——– see the link over there).

What else? What else?  Ah, yes.  Childhood Nightmares: Under the Bed is due out on April 21st, so that is exciting!  I am currently reading Julianne Snow’s Days with the Undead.  She is a fellow contributor to the Childhood Nightmares anthology and wrote a zombie book that reads like daily journal entries written by a survivor.  So far, so good.  I plan to post a review when I am done.

Onward–but in keeping with the zombie subject–at the end of the month I am slotted to interview author Armand Rosamilia.  His new book Dying Days 2 was just released and chronicles the zombie troubles of one of his favorite heroines, Darlene Bobich–zombie killer extraordinaire.  As luck would have it, the digital Dying Days 2 is free on Amazon.  I believe the freebie is for today only, so scoop it up and you can read the interview on March 31 and nod your head the whole time.  Armand is hoping people who pick it up during his deal will be kind enough to leave a review on Amazon.  Be a sport, will ya?

That’s all for now, folks.  Keep it tuned here for more scarelicious news in the near future!