Well, Would Ya Look at That…

It seems the coconut doesn’t fall too far from the tree.  Not that my sister actually fell from my tree, but you know what I mean.  Anyway, here is a preview of the upcoming anthology, “From Their Cradle to Your Grave.”  My sister Dana Priebe has a short in here called “Afterbirth” and let me tell ya, it’s a doozy.

Sweet, huh?  Should be out by the end of this month from Cruentus Libri Press.

Now, I’m off to work.  Stop bothering me.


I Dabble in Drabble

What is a drabble, you say?  Why it’s a story of exactly 100 words.

What?  That’s madness!  How can anyone write a story in only 100 words?

You’ll have to check them out to see…



I’m pleased to say I provided one of the 100 drabbles in the book “100 Horrors” by Cruentus Libri Press.  The wee little story is called “Death Laughs.”  The publisher is still working on the cover art, but I will post it as soon as I am able.  Can’t wait to see what they come up with!

Additionally, the folks a Knightwatch Press had planned on doing a 2012 drabble calendar.  Well, life went too fast for them, and the calendar got flushed.  All excepted drabbles (mine is entitled “Lactic Acid”) were shuffled into the keeper pile for the book they will now become.  Sweet deal, I must say.  And the esteemed Eric S Brown, he of the Big Foot novels, is penning the intro.  Double bonus!

For any of you horror buffs out there, I believe that submissions are still open for Knightwatch’s “Little Stories for the Smallest Room.”  It is a “for the love” market, but who doesn’t love to see their name in print, and at 100 words, what do you have to lose?